Okay. So this one asks about the integration step of a visceral reflex arc, which might include which of the following, and we're going to be circling all that apply. Remember, this integration step is when our sensory neuron and our motor neuron are basically communicating, and it can involve a single synapse or an interneuron. Typically, this will be happening in the spinal cord, but it can also happen in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.
Looking at our answers here, it looks like a fits the bill. That's a direct synapse with preganglionic neurons. We have our direct synapse. B is cardiac muscle, and this is not going to be happening in cardiac muscle. So b would definitely be out. C, walls of the gastrointestinal tract, that is a location where we can have integration in our autonomic nervous system. And then d is an interneuron in the dorsal horn. Again, remember this can involve a single synapse or an interneuron right there in that spinal cord. So d would also apply. So our answers here are going to be a, c, and d. And there you go.