In this video, we're going to do a brief recap of the lipid vitamins or the fat-soluble vitamins. Recall from our previous lesson videos that in order to remember the lipid vitamins, all we need to do is think about a deck of cards. Notice here we're showing you an image of a deck of cards and notice that a deck is spelled A, D, E, and K. If we can remember that, then we'll be able to remember that the 4 lipid vitamins are vitamins A, D, E, and K. Notice over here what we have is a table with a brief description of the functions for each of these lipid vitamins.
Recall from our previous lesson videos that vitamin A serves as the site of the primary photochemical reaction in vision. It's very important for developing good eyesight. Notice that we have a picture of a carrot here to remind you that carrots are a high source of beta-carotene and beta-carotene is the precursor for Vitamin A. We also have an image of the eye to remind you that again vitamin A is important for the development of good eyesight or good vision.
Also recall from our previous lesson videos that vitamin D is important for regulating both calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Vitamin D relies on ultraviolet light or UV light from the sun for its formation and activation. Vitamin D is going to be regulating calcium absorption and therefore it will help with the development of strong and healthy bones.
Next, we have vitamin E and recall that vitamin E is going to serve as an antioxidant. It is going to serve as an antioxidant in order to prevent cancer. It is able to essentially protect from free radicals and here what we have is a shield to remind you that vitamin E serves a protection function from these free radicals.
Last but not least, we have Vitamin K and recall that Vitamin K has an important regulatory function in blood coagulation or blood clotting, if you will, or blood clumping. Recall that kale is a good source of vitamin K and here what we have is just an image of the bloodstream to remind you that vitamin K is important for blood clotting.
This here concludes our brief recap of the lipid vitamins and we'll be able to get some practice applying all of these concepts as we move forward. So I'll see you all in our next videos.