In this video, we're going to introduce our map of the lesson on cellular respiration, which is this image down below right here. And so once again, you can use this image as a map for our lesson. And so the way that we're going to explore this map is by starting at the top and then following the leftmost branches first. We'll cover the branches from left to right as we go. And then after we explore the leftmost branches, we'll start to explore the right branches and follow these pathways here.
And so what you'll see from this map of the lesson is that cellular respiration can take place with oxygen, otherwise known as aerobic respiration, where oxygen is going to act as the final electron acceptor. We already know from our previous lesson videos that the 4 stages of aerobic cellular respiration are glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain and chemiosmosis. We'll learn that the whole purpose of aerobic cellular respiration is to make lots and lots of ATP for the cell or make lots and lots of energy for the cell. That energy, what we'll learn, can be made in two different ways: it can be made via substrate-level phosphorylation in glycolysis and in the Krebs cycle, and it can be made via oxidative phosphorylation in the electron transport chain and chemiosmosis.
And so once again, after we explore aerobic cellular respiration in the presence of oxygen, we'll zoom out and start to explore the right branches, cellular respiration in the absence of oxygen without oxygen being present. We'll learn that glycolysis is actually a process that can occur without oxygen. Then we'll talk about anaerobic respiration or fermentation, and how anaerobic respiration is going to have some alternative final electron acceptor other than oxygen. It's not going to be oxygen. And then we'll talk about two different types of fermentation, lactic acid fermentation and alcohol fermentation.
And so once again, this image here represents the map of our lesson moving forward, and so you can refer back to this map here to make predictions about what topics we're going to be covering next, where we are within our lesson before we transition to other parts of our lesson. And so this here concludes our introduction to our map of the lesson on cellular respiration, and we'll be able to get started by talking more and more about aerobic cellular respiration, specifically, the processes that involve substrate-level phosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation. We'll talk about that next, and I'll see you all in our next video.