This video, we're going to begin our introduction to inflammation. And so first, we need to recall from some of our previous lesson videos that we already briefly defined inflammation as a coordinated set of events that occurs when the body detects an infection or tissue damage. Now there are five cardinal signs of inflammation that you can remember by using this acronym SHARP: swelling, heat, altered function, redness, and pain. If you can remember SHARP, then you'll be able to remember the five cardinal signs of inflammation: swelling, heat, altered function, redness, and pain.
Over here, we have a little cartoon just to help you remember this SHARP acronym. Notice here we have Doctor Clutch Prep over here and he says, "Wow, this sword is so sharp." Notice he had a little accident here, and Doctor Clutch is now feeling the five cardinal signs of inflammation just by remembering this SHARP acronym right here.
As we move forward in our course, we'll be able to talk a lot more about the steps of inflammation and different types of inflammation as well. But for now, this here concludes our brief introduction to inflammation, and I'll see you all in our next lesson video to learn more.