In this video, we're going to begin our introduction to the Krebs cycle. The Krebs cycle is the third stage of aerobic cellular respiration, and it's important to know that the Krebs Cycle is also commonly known as the citric acid cycle, and sometimes it's also referred to as the TCA cycle. It's important to know that the citric acid cycle and the TCA cycle are synonyms for the same exact cycle, the Krebs cycle, and that's because your professor or your textbooks might use a different term to refer to the same exact cycle. In our course, we're mainly going to be referring to this as the Krebs Cycle. Now, as we'll learn moving forward in our course, the Krebs Cycle is going to oxidize Acetyl CoA, producing energy in the form of a little bit of ATP, but a lot of NADH and some FADH2.
And so down below, notice that we're showing you the image for all four stages of aerobic cellular respiration. Already in our course, we've covered glycolysis, which occurs outside of the mitochondria, producing 2 pyruvates. And, we also covered pyruvate oxidation, which converts those pyruvates into molecules of Acetyl CoA. This is where the Krebs cycle is going to pick up, right where we left off with pyruvate oxidation. We'll talk more and more about the Krebs cycle as we move forward in our course.
So I'll see you all in our next video.