This one asks us, which of the following is not a function of amniotic fluid? Let's run through them and see what we have here. So A reads, it goes on to form a portion of the urinary bladder, and looks like we already found our answer because that is actually a function of the allantois, not the amniotic fluid. So our answer here is A. Just looking quickly through, B through D, B reads that it helps protect the conceptus from trauma and absolutely amniotic fluid can provide some cushion and shock absorption if there is any trauma to the mother's abdomen during pregnancy.
C reads, it helps maintain a consistent temperature. Absolutely, yes. And then D reads, it helps to support symmetrical muscle development and it does do that by basically allowing the injectors to have a free range of motion, which allows for the muscles on either side of the body to develop symmetrically. So our answer here is going to be A, the amniotic fluid does not go on to form a portion of the urinary bladder. Alright.
See you in the next one. Bye.