Okay. So in this example, we have this nice graph here and along the x-axis we have our membrane potential plotted and along the y-axis we have time. And you can see this change in membrane potential has been plotted on the graph and so what we're going to do is fill out the vocabulary term that corresponds to each of those changes in the membrane potential. So let's dive right in and we're going to start down here sitting pretty at negative 70 millivolts which we know is resting potential and a neuron at rest is a neuron that is polarized. Right?
So we're going to start with our neuron polarized. Now, here along this blue line, we can see we're getting more and more positive and the only term here that describes our membrane getting more positive is depolarization. Right? So this is the depolarization that we're looking at here and then whoop here we go we're getting back down toward those negatives which must be our repolarization. Right?
We repolarize to return to rest. We're trying to get back down here to negative 70 and then whoops right there looks like we overshot that and we got too negative. So that is our hyperpolarization. Remember, hyper is, like, too much of something, so we actually got too negative and that's what that looks like, dipping down below negative 70. So there you have it.
We start off polarized at resting potential. Here we have the depolarization phase, our neurons getting more and more positive. Here is our repolarization phase, we're getting back down into those negatives, and we overshot that a little bit and ended up hyperpolarizing very briefly. So there you go and I will see you guys in our next video. Bye bye.