Alright. So here we have an example problem that wants us to fill in the sentence here using one of these 5 potential answer options down below. And it says that negatively charged particles of atoms with almost no mass are called either electrons, protons, neutrons, ions, or polymers. Now, so far, at this point in our course, we have not yet introduced ions or polymers. However, later in our course, we definitely will talk about these two terms, but because we have not yet introduced these two terms, we should have been able to figure out that these 2 are not going to be the correct answer for this problem.
So now we're between either electrons, protons, or neutrons, which are the 3 subatomic particles of a typical atom. Recall that the 'p' in protons can remind us that this subatomic particle is positively charged. So you can think the 'p' in protons is for the 'p' in positively charged. And so, because protons are positively charged, they are not going to be negatively charged, and so we can eliminate answer option b. And also recall that neutrons, as their name implies, are neutral, and neutral means that it has a net charge of 0 and so it will not be negatively charged; it will have a charge of 0.
So once again, we can eliminate neutrons, and of course this only leaves the electrons which is the correct answer for this example problem. And so electrons are negatively charged and recall that electrons kinda sounds like getting electrocuted, and getting electrocuted is something negative, and so that can remind us that electrons are negatively charged. And also, electrons have almost no mass, and so we can pretty much say that their mass is about equal to 0. And so, we can go ahead and, indicate that a here is the correct answer to this example problem. And that concludes this example, so I'll see you guys in our next video.