This example asks us to match each region with the location on the diagram below, and we have our anatomical model where we can see all the internal organs. We don't need to worry about the internal organs for this, though, because we have the hashtag or tic-tac-toe board drawn on the abdominal pelvic region, and it's labeled A through I, and we just want to know the names of each. So if we remember our naming convention, we should be fine. So let's start. First up, we have the epigastric region.
Take a second. Do you know where the epigastric region is? Well, epigastric, it doesn't say right or left, so I know it's in the middle. Epi means on top or above and gastric is the stomach area. So it's going to be right up in the middle there.
It's going to be B. Epigastric region is B. Next, we have the left and right hypochondriac region. Here's a second. Do you know where that is?
Alright. Left and right. So it's on the sides. Remember hypochondriac. Hypo means below, and chondriac means the ribs.
So it's right under the ribs on the left and right sides. Now, left and right, I want to label my body here because it's the body's left and right, not mine. So I'm going to put an L on this side and a right on that side. That keeps me from getting confused. That means the left hypochondriac region is going to be C, and the right hypochondriac region is going to be A.
Next up, we have the hypogastric region. Take a second. Do you know which letter that is? Alright. Hypogastric.
There's no left or right, so it's got to be in the middle. Hypo, that means below. Gastric is the stomach area, so it's all the way down at the bottom in the middle there. That looks like it's going to be H, and I mark it with an H. Next up, we have the left and right inguinal regions.
Take a second. Do you know where those are? Alright. Left and right. They've got to be on the side, and that term inguinal.
Inguinal is the groin, so that's all the way down on the sides. So that's going to be G and I here, and it looks like I is going to be the left inguinal region, and G is going to be the right inguinal region. Next up, we have the left and right lumbar regions. Take a second. Where are those?
Right. Left and right. They're on the sides. Lumbar is the lower back. That's kind of in the middle of the abdominal pelvic region.
So that's going to be D and F. F is on the left. D is on the right. So F is the left lumbar region, and D is the right lumbar region. That leaves us finally with the umbilical region.
With our one region left, that is going to be E, right in the middle where the belly button is. So E is the umbilical region. With that, a couple more practice problems below, and I'll see you in the next video.