In this video, we're going to talk about some of the functions of connective tissue. Recall from our previous lesson videos that connective tissue is the most diverse class of tissue in terms of both its structures and its functions. It actually has a lot of different functions. Rather than making an exhaustive list of all the different functions of connective tissue, in this video, we're going to talk more broadly about the functions of connective tissue. As we move forward in our course, in different videos talking about specific types of connective tissue, then we can talk more about their specific functions.
But again, in this video, we're going to talk more broadly about the functions of connective tissue. Once again, it's important to emphasize that connective tissue functions are very diverse. They can be grouped into these five main functions that you can see down below in our image. Notice that the top layer of the image is listing the five functions. The middle layer here is showing a symbol or an image to support the function.
Toward the bottom, what we have are specific examples of the function. Notice that the very first function that we have here for connective tissue is that it can actually provide protection, similar to how armor can provide protection to what lies underneath. For example, bones such as the rock-hard skull, for example, can actually protect the soft structures that lie underneath such as the delicate brain. The next function that we have here is that connective tissue can transport materials, actually transporting the materials instead of just regulating the transport like what epithelial tissue does.
When we say transport materials, we can think of connective tissue such as blood, for example. Notice down below we are saying that blood can actually physically transport gases such as oxygen, for example, and nutrients such as glucose, for example. The blood can transport these gases and nutrients throughout the entire body to deliver oxygen and glucose to all tissues everywhere in the body. The blood can also transport wastes such as carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs where we can exhale that carbon dioxide. Transporting materials is a function of connective tissue.
Just like a car can transport materials, blood can also transport materials like gases and nutrients. The next function that we have here is more intuitive because connective tissue is going to be important for connecting or binding things together and is also going to be important for support. Binding and support is a function of connective tissue. In terms of binding, structures such as tendons, which are made of connective tissue, can bind or connect muscles to bones.
Ligaments, which are also made of connective tissue, can bind or connect bones to other bones. In terms of support, recall from our previous lesson videos that connective tissue supports epithelial tissue. Recall that epithelial tissue is avascular, which means that it does not have any blood vessels. It relies on the underlying vascular connective tissue that does have blood vessels. The vascular connective tissue with its blood vessels can supply the avascular epithelial tissue with nutrients such as glucose, for example, and gases such as oxygen.
It can also help eliminate the waste from the epithelial tissue as well. Notice that we're saying, in this little symbol or image here, notice that we've got some epithelial tissue highlighted here in green. Notice that this muscle man down below is just a silly way for us to say, this is the connective tissue that underlies the epithelial tissue that is actually supporting the epithelial tissue. You can think that this weight here is actually the basement membrane that separates the epithelial tissue from the underlying connective tissue. The next function that we have here is that connective tissue can actually offer insulation or it can insulate the body.
Connective tissue includes fat. Fat cells are called adipocytes. We'll talk about them later in our course. But connective tissue does include fat. Fat can help to insulate the body and keep the body warm, just like your winter coat can keep you warm during the winter when it's really cold outside. These fat cells or adipocytes, that store lots of fat can help with insulation and offer insulation to keep the body warm. The fifth and final function that we have listed here is to provide storage. It can store energy. Again, the fat cells can store fat and fat can serve as long-term energy storage.
Notice that we have these same fat cells here, these adipocytes. Just like a battery can store energy, these fat molecules can also be storing long-term energy. Another example is that bones can store calcium and phosphates. So when the body needs calcium and phosphates, it can use the bones as a reservoir for calcium and phosphates. We'll be able to talk about that later in our course.
But for now, this here concludes our brief lesson covering some of the functions of connective tissue. Again, as we move forward in our course talking about specific types of connective tissue, we'll get to talk more details about their specific functions. But for now, this here concludes this video, and I'll see you all in our next video.