So here we have an example problem that asks, what is the primary function of the tonsils? And we've got these 4 potential answer options down below. Now recall from our last lesson video that the tonsils are a collection of MALT or mucosal associated lymphoid tissues around the entrance of the pharynx or the throat. And as a collection of MALT, its primary function is going to be immunity. And so keep that in mind as we go through each of these answer options.
Now option a says, eating and digestion in the mouth by secreting enzymes that break down fats and carbohydrates. And so this is not going to be the primary function of the tonsils, so we can eliminate answer option a. Option b says, secreting mucus to prevent the mouth from drying out. And, again, this is not going to be the primary function of the tonsils, so we can eliminate option b. Option c says, producing essential hormones. Again, not going to be the primary function of tonsils, which means that answer option d, the only option, must be the correct answer. And it says initiating immune responses and trapping pathogens, And so that is going to be the primary function of the tonsils. So we can indicate that option d is correct. That concludes this example, and I'll see you all in our next video.