So here we have a true or false example problem, and the statement says, diffuse lymphoid tissue is loosely arranged and only found in lymphoid organs, while lymphoid follicles are tightly packed and widely distributed throughout the body. And we've got these four potential answer options down below.
Now at first glance, this statement might appear to be true because diffuse lymphoid tissue is loosely arranged and lymphoid follicles are tightly packed. However, the distributions in this statement are incorrect. So although diffuse lymphoid tissue is loosely arranged, it's not only found in lymphoid organs. Diffuse lymphoid tissue is found widely distributed throughout the body. And lymphoid follicles are not widely distributed throughout the body nearly as much as lymphoid, diffuse lymphoid tissue is. Instead, these lymphoid follicles are more so found only in lymphoid organs. And so the statement, as written, is not true, so we can eliminate answer option A.
Now, option B says, false. Diffuse lymphoid tissue is densely packed and lymphoid follicles are loosely arranged, but that's not correct, so we can eliminate answer option B. Option C says false. Diffuse lymphoid tissue is widely distributed, and lymphoid follicles are mostly found in lymphoid organs. And answer option C is going to be correct. So we can go ahead and highlight answer option C and indicate that it is the correct answer to this example problem.
Now option D says false, diffuse lymphoid tissue and lymphoid follicles are always found in the same regions, and that's not always going to be true. So, for that reason, we can eliminate answer option D. So C here is the correct answer. That concludes this example, and I'll see you all in our next video.