What is the new GapFinder?
GapFinder is the new way to identify and remediate gaps in students’ essential science and math knowledge that is key to their success in Chemistry, A&P, and Biology courses. GapFinder has two types of modules — Diagnostic Modules for assessment and Study Modules for learning. Diagnostic Modules assess a student’s prerequisite knowledge in key areas such as study skills, foundational science, and math concepts, and then recommends Study Modules for personalized remediation specific to the student’s individual knowledge gaps.
Teach your course your way!
GapFinder makes it easy to see where your students are struggling with key prerequisite skills, so they study what they don’t know — not what they’ve already mastered. You choose which Diagnostic Modules to assign and let the system recommend which Study Modules each student should work through to address identified knowledge gaps. Student results are visible at both an individual and course level.