New to the Fifteenth Canadian Edition:
Current Coverage of Auditing Standards. New auditing standards are released without regard to textbook revision cycles. As auditing instructors, we appreciate how critical it is to have the most current content available. This edition includes coverage of the most recent standards released and that are effective January 1, 2022, (early adoption is encouraged). The edition has been revised to include CAS 315, Identifying and Assessing Risks of Material Misstatement, CSRS 4200, Compilation Engagements and CSRS 4600, Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements. As with the previous edition, we continue to revise the book so that the concepts and terminology are closely aligned with Canadian Audit Standards.
New Coverage of Audit Data Analytics and Other Automated Tools and Techniques. The Internet and extensive use of technologies and automation by entities to engage in all types of business transactions and services have dramatically increased the amount of data available for analysis. The audit profession is rapidly exploring how audit data analytics (ADAs) and advanced technologies might allow them to increase both audit quality and effi ciency. The 15th edition of this textbook includes new coverage of how ADAs are being used in all phases of the audit, spanning from initial planning through the completion of the audit.
New Dataset for Students to Perform Audit Data Analytics. To provide students hands-on experience in using various audit data analytics tools, we have developed an entirely new dataset that includes different files of transaction data related to the sales and collection cycle for a hypothetical company, JA Tire Manufacturing. This dataset, which students can access from the textbook website, includes different sub-files that contain transaction data related to JA Tire Manufacturing’s sales orders, bills of lading, invoices, cash receipts, customer master file, and product master file (an excerpt of a summary of the sub-files is shown below). We have developed several new homework problems included in chapters 5, 6, 7, and 12 that require students to analyze data in the various sub-files of the dataset for JA Tire Manufacturing. Because the dataset is in Excel, the new homework problems allow students to use any software, such as AuditBond (formerly ACL), Excel, IDEA, Power BI or Tableau, to conduct their data analysis.
New Case for Students to use MindBridge Ai. In partnership with MindBridge Ai Auditor, the world’s first AI-powered auditing solution, we’ve created a new case that provides students with hands-on experience using this machine learning tool. The new case is introduced in Chapter 6 and provides information on the company and its environment. In this component of the case, students learn how to use MindBridge Ai and perform preliminary analytical review of five years of general ledger data to identify high risk areas.
Additional Audit Data Analysis Problems. In addition to the new JA Tire Manufacturing homework problems and the MindBridge Ai case, we have also included several other problems in the text that can be completed using Excel templates that are available in MyLab.
Emerging Technologies and Cyber Security Risk. Building upon the 14th edition, we continue to emphasize the role of the IT system and provide new material on the entity’s use of information technology, including emerging technologies, and its impact on the system of internal control and the conduct of the audit. We provide new material on cyber security risk, the internet of things, smart contracts and blockchain, and artificial intelligence. We have also developed vignettes to illustrate the challenges of auditing in complex IT environments.