Human resources
The right insights make all the difference
Using advanced artificial intelligence and auto-marking technology, Versant tests accurately and reliably measure a test-takers' ability to understand and communicate intelligibly in spoken and written English.
Pearson Online English
An innovative mobile language learning platform designed to provide real-world language instruction for real-world careers.
DAT Next Generation
A gold-standard suite of assessments measuring cognitive abilities in several areas.
Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal III
An industry leading measure of critical thinking ability to make data driven decisions on staffing and development.
Workplace Personality Inventory – II
It gives HR professions the ability to predict how candidates are likely to perform in their job by offering insights to an individual’s interpersonal attributes and work styles.
Motiva - Selection
It helps ensure new hires will remain motivated and sustainably successful by providing a tool and a structured guideline for recruitment process to filter the candidates who have the high level of matching with the job.
Our clients