Examinee data on Q-global is protected through technical, physical, and administrative security controls, including encryption of data both in-transit and at-rest. The examinee data is stored on servers located in a secure cloud environment, with the underlying data centers located in Canada. Data stored in databases is encrypted with industry-standard encryption technology.
When data is transmitted over the network, it is encrypted using industry-standard Transport Layer Security (TLS) technology. The system uses secure database platforms that segregate customer records, ensuring they cannot be accessed by other customers. This segregation is confirmed through routine testing as part of our system development lifecycle (SDLC) processes. Customer access to Q-global requires a user ID and password, for which the customer is responsible to safeguard. To this end, the customer is encouraged to change their password every 90 days and whenever there is concern about its possible compromise. Q-global is periodically subjected to audits, both internal and external, that confirm security controls are designed effectively.