Level 1 | |
Student’s Book w/ CD-ROM | 9781447900610 |
Teacher’s Book w/ Audio CD | 9781447903154 |
Workbook w/ Audio CD | 9781447900672 |
ActiveTeach | 9781447900009 |
Audio CDs | 9781447900122 |
DVD | 9781447900245 |
Picture Cards | 9781447900351 |
Level 2 | |
Student’s Book w/ CD-ROM | 9781447900627 |
Teacher’s Book w/ Audio CD | 9781447903161 |
Workbook w/ Audio CD | 9781447900689 |
ActiveTeach | 9781447900016 |
Audio CDs | 9781447900139 |
DVD | 9781447900252 |
Picture Cards | 9781447900368 |
Level 3 | |
Student’s Book w/ CD-ROM | 9781447900634 |
Teacher’s Book w/ Audio CD | 9781447903178 |
Workbook w/ Audio CD | 9781447900696 |
ActiveTeach | 9781447900023 |
Audio CDs | 9781447900146 |
DVD | 9781447900269 |
Picture Cards | 9781447900375 |
Level 4 | |
Student’s Book w/ CD-ROM | 9781447900641 |
Teacher’s Book w/ Audio CD | 9781447903185 |
Workbook w/ Audio CD | 9781447900702 |
ActiveTeach | 9781447900030 |
Audio CDs | 9781447900153 |
DVD | 9781447900276 |
Picture Cards | 9781447900382 |
Level 5 | |
Student’s Book w/ CD-ROM | 9781447900658 |
Teacher’s Book w/ Audio CD | 9781447903208 |
Workbook w/ Audio CD | 9781447900719 |
ActiveTeach | 9781447900047 |
Audio CDs | 9781447900160 |
DVD | 9781447900283 |
Picture Cards | 9781447900399 |
Level 6 | |
Student’s Book w/ CD-ROM | 9781447900665 |
Teacher’s Book w/ Audio CD | 9781447903215 |
Workbook w/ Audio CD | 9781447900726 |
ActiveTeach | 9781447900054 |
Audio CDs | 9781447900177 |
DVD | 9781447900290 |
Picture Cards | 9781447900405 |
Components descriptions | |
Student’s Book w/ CD-ROM |
Teacher’s Book w/ Audio CD | The Teacher’s Edition has a step-by-step lesson plans covering all the course material. Each lesson is clearly structured into stages:
Workbook w/ Audio CD |
ActiveTeach | Our Discovery Island ActiveTeach provides software for use on any Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) with integrated tools. It can also be used with just a computer and projector. It contains links to all of the Student Book and Workbook pages, digitally transformed to create more opportunities for interaction between students, the teacher, and the classroom resources, as well as links to the audio and video. |
Audio CDs | The Class Audio CDs contain all the chants, songs, stories, and listening comprehension activities. There are also karaoke versions of the songs. |
DVD | Every level of the course has a DVD with four episodes. Each episode can be used to reinforce and extend the language focusing on the topics and language from every two Student Book units. |
Picture Cards | Set of Picture Cards for each level contains the main target language in each unit which are used to present, practice, and consolidate language. |