Inside Pearson eTextbook

Take your students beyond textbook learning

More than an eBook

Pearson eTextbook offers students so much more than other eBook formats and elevates learning well beyond the capabilities of the traditional print book. Make it easier for your students to experience more productive, more enjoyable independent study with our best-selling titles available to view on any device. With flexible, low-cost purchasing options, and offline access via the App, more of your students can experience the benefits that access to high quality course materials can bring.

Take a closer look at what Pearson eTextbook has to offer...

Helps students learn tough concepts faster

The interactive resources in Pearson eTextbook take students’ self study to a whole other level. Videos and animations bring concepts to life and aid comprehension, while quizzes help students check their understanding, and Interactive models and graphs help demonstrate and reinforce concepts.* For a range of disciplines, students can also access 6 free video-based resources from Pearson+ Channels before choosing whether to subscribe for full access to the suite of bite-size videos, related practice problems and online support from subject matter experts that the service provides.

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Makes any moment a study moment

The read aloud audiobook gives students the flexibility to listen and learn on-the-go, anytime, anywhere and, for many titles, a read along feature further enhances comprehension.*

Provides helpful text translations

Alongside hyperlinked key word/glossary definitions, even more support is provided for non-native English-speaking students – particularly where an understanding of more technical language is requires – with the option to highlight and translate words or sections of text into one of over 100 languages, right there, onscreen.

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Maximises students’ time with intuitive search

The quick and intuitive search functionality helps students swiftly get to the topics and key terms they need to nail, and gives them easy access to the visual aids and revision tools embedded throughout.

Offers on-demand, AI-powered support you can trust

Being introduced to a growing number of titles, our innovative AI-powered study tool gives students instant access to additional, trusted guidance, which draws from vetted Pearson content to provide fast, reliable and personalised support, practice, feedback and reinforcement. Discover more about this innovative support.*

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Includes customisable self-study tools

Flexible self-study aids help students check their understanding – both as they progress and during revision – with the facility for students to create and use fully searchable flashcards, highlights and notes. The hashtag search facility also helps speed up access to any revision materials students create.

A comfortable onscreen reading experience

Students can also customise the onscreen display to select the text and background settings best suited to their individual needs and devices.

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*Available in selected titles. Request a free sample copy or speak to your local Pearson Academic Consultant to explore the full capabilities of your chosen title(s).

Request your free sample copy and more

Get instant access to a free sample copy of the Pearson eTextbook for your favourite title(s). Follow these few simple steps:

  • find your chosen title(s) in our online catalogue 
  • select the ‘I am an educator’ view for your chosen title(s)
  • click the ‘Request full copy’ link that sits beneath the cover image
  • sign in to your account*
  • complete the ‘Request a copy’ form and click ‘Submit’.

A link to your free sample will appear instantly on-screen and will also be emailed to the address you supply in the ‘Request a copy’ form. You will retain access to the free sample copy for 24 months.

*If you don’t already have a account, an additional one-time verification process is required to ensure you are an educator before you can complete a sample copy request or access free Instructor Resources.

Recommending Pearson eTextbook to your students?

We can help. Whether you’ve questions about a particular title or would like us to support your department with First Day of Class and any other student communications, please get in touch with your local Pearson Academic Consultant using the form below.

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